All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

At the big blue & yellow shop

Hubbie was on the early Ethan shift today. I was quite pleased that I got the 6.45am wake up from Ethan yesterday while he got the 6.15am shift today. I was even more pleased that I got to stay in bed till 8.30am before Ethan came upstairs and bounced on the bed!

We had an "at home" morning with an early lunch. We then drove in to Edinburgh to take our pushchair in to the Pram Centre. It has been squeaking very badly recently and hubbie has been unable to get one of the wheels off to grease it. They managed to fix it for us though and while we were there we tried Ethan out in a few strollers. We're going to buy one for our holiday next year although as it won't get used much (we're still really happy with our iCandy), we don't want to spend too much on one. Hopefully we'll be able to pick one up at a reasonable price in the Christmas sales.

We then went to Ikea just for a browse. Ethan had a blast charging round the store, sitting on their sofas and trying out the kids beds. He also enjoyed looking at the birds of prey which were doing demonstrations there. But I think his favourite bit was sitting on the roof of our car eating ice-cream, just before we left!

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