All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Up and down

Although Granny went home last night, Grandpa stayed over an extra night so he could come to Ethan's gymnastics class with us today.

Ethan slept till 6.45am which wasn't too bad and although I initially got up with him, I sneaked back to bed for an extra 1/2 hours snuggle under the duvet when hubbie got up 20 mins after me!

I think Grandpa enjoyed seeing Ethan at gymnastics and he even joined in with some of the exercises. We then went along to McArthur Glen to kill an hour before Grandpa got the bus home. As usual, as soon as Ethan spotted the escalators he wanted to go up and down them, so we did this a few times to keep him happy. Despite his serious face in this photo he loves doing it and would go up and down them all day long if we let him! Venture Photography were doing free mini photo sessions in GAP so we did one with Ethan. He wasn't very keen though - he refused to sit on their beanbag and demanded to sit on their Bumbo instead. But when we gave in and said he could, he decided he didn't want to any more. It will be interesting to see if the photographer managed to get anything resembling a decent photo of him as he was a very difficult subject!

Ethan was upset to see Grandpa go home and cried when he got on the bus. I think he wanted to go with him!

In the afternoon, hubbie & I took Ethan to visit Foreveryoung and Eden - we also stayed for tea. Ethan's mood was very up and down. He was either happy and laughing or he was throwing tantrums over nothing and getting grumpy with Eden. Still, at least he sat at the table and ate some dinner without throwing his bowl on the floor like he has done the past 2 nights at ours!

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