All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch


As always happens when Ethan sleeps well at night, I didn't! Hubbie is choked with the cold and his coughing and sneezing seemed to keep me awake more than him! Ho hum.

When I arrived home from work, I discovered Ethan playing in hubbies car in the driveway. Over the past few weeks, he doesn't want to go in the house until he has had a pretend drive of the car! He then helped me pull up a few weeds and when I turned my back for a few seconds, he charged down my next door neighbours driveway, up her steps and started knocking on her door. (Shame you weren't in Pauline if you're reading)! The area at the front of our house is a bit of a mess at the moment, as you can see. Hubbie started chopping down the bushes there ages ago, with the intention of clearing the area and making it into a rockery. But he hadn't taken into account the fact the bushes had been there for 11 years now and the roots are impossible to get out by hand! We will get it finished as soon as possible but it's difficult to find the time with Ethan around.

After that though the evening went downhill. Dinner was very hit and miss with him as usual. But it was when I took him upstairs for his shower that it all went very pear shaped. I still don't know what was wrong but we've had the worst ever tantrums from him. He was so distressed it was really upsetting to see. I just hate the fact that the evenings after his days at nursery are so difficult. Just wish I could get those 6 numbers right so I could cut my hours right back and spend way more days with him instead.

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