Davids Photos

By davyatsea

FS Schools Challenge 2011

This afternoon was a mad dash from work to catch up with Olivers school. Well, he had nagged me all week to take his sponsor form into work to get some charitable donations. After pestering my work colleagues, I felt it only fair to ask for the afternoon off to see Oliver do the challenge.

This is an annual event held at the school to encourage a bit of health and fitness, and to raise a bit of money for charity. Half the money raised goes directly to the school and the other half goes to a Hampshire based Fun Schools Challenge charity for disabled sport people.

Oliver clearly enjoyed taking part in this; the only dissapointment that they didn't get the usual Friday 'Golden Time'. Well, I thought this was a great team building Golden Time experience. Oh, and yes, the last excercise was a type of conga walk around, moving your arms like an aeroplane. Olive wasn't too impressed by this.... Well, he is six going on sixteen - definetely growing up.

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