It's a baldy bald life!

By DrK

At the Track

I'm sitting on the train on my way to Edinburgh just now. It's been a weird week, quite slow and nowt much happening.

Good fun lunch today. Dan in the photo was running an endurance training session for the squad and I needed a portrait of him so it was a good time to grab my camera. I need a better flash as the velodrome has crap light and everyone moves at speed.

It's really cool having our new offices at the National Cycling Centre. This week i've been moaned at for wearing a team garmin top, nearly knocked down in the corridor by a crazy ginga rider and seen the prime minister ! There is a buzz about the place....sometimes i fancy a job with the elite lot but then it would become quite normal after a wee while and I'm not the sort that would proper in Olympic year. Much better watching from the sidelines.

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