It's a baldy bald life!

By DrK

A prized possession!

If anyone has followed my blip so far, you'll see that I'm slightly left of centre so to put a rubbish photo of a product from Apple is quite something for me.

Why?? Well, my ipod is something that's nearly always with me. My first experience of mobile music was probably in 1986....I purchased a rather large blue Sony Walkman from duty free on the ferry back from first trip abroad on a rugby tour. I had a few pre-recorded tapes but most were maxell c60's that I used to record stuff from the radio on to! Tapes were really shit, stretched or got tangled and batteries lasted a few hours. For a long trip about 10 sets were required and t shoe box sized box of tapes needed to ensure variation.

After about 10 iterations and progressions of technology, I got a portable cd player. That was crap too as it was too big for a cycling jersey pocket and batteries lasted no longer.

Then, about 4 years ago I got an ipod! Batteries lasted days and you could get about 10 days non-stop worth of music on it. You could trampoline and it wouldn't jump, functionality and design were and still are better than anything on the market.

Yeah, Apple use protectionist capitalist methods which are annoying, but Steve Jobs and his gang have designed an item which I consider to be almost indispensable! I almost forgive them!

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