All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Shopping in style

He did it! Hubbie and I couldn't believe it this morning when Ethan slept through till 7am. Simply fantastic!

I managed to get a wee bit of housework done this morning before taking Ethan to his swimming class. In fact, time went so quickly I ended up not having time to get him dressed so took him along in his PJs and wellies! It was week 10 of the class which means it's just a play session rather than a lesson. Only 4 of us bothered to turn up!

We then drove along to Ratho as we were meeting my friends Shona & Frances (and their kids Ruaridh and Lyla) at Scrambles. Ethan really enjoys soft play. After a quick play in the under 2's section he promptly moved on to the 2-5 year old play frame before deciding that wasn't enough for him either and headed to the 4-9 year old play frame. It has a big bumpy slide on it which he LOVED!

After leaving there, I drove up to Dobbies. As Ethan had fallen asleep by the time we got there, I sat and read a book in the car while I waited for him to wake up. He didn't have as long a nap as usual though which I was suprised about after so much physical activity today.

I was going to just walk round the shop with him but he asked to go in the trolley. After sitting in it properly for a while, he then wanted out and enjoyed looking at all the fibre optic Christmas trees which were being put up. He then refused to go back in the trolley seat though but was happy enough to sit in the actual trolley with his cereal bar and water. He obviously thought that was a much better way to travel.

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