All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

The Mexican

Honestly - you let Ethan loose with a couple of rice cakes and look at the mess he gets himself into! All that's missing is the sombrero and he'd make a good Mexican!

Had a really busy but good day today.

Started with a trip to the dentist. Not normally a good thing but I only have to go back for a scale & polish so could have been a lot worse. Took Ethan with me and he decided to throw a complete tantrum - it was nap time so I think he was just overtired.

We then went down to The Centre to meet my friend Mary for lunch. We went for a walk round McArthur Glen first of all to try to get Ethan to go to sleep but it didn't work. So we popped into Debenhams for lunch. Mary fed Ethan whilst I was queuing for my food and apparently he wolfed it down. A few minutes after we left Debenhams he was sound asleep and slept for ages. So we took advantage of this and went to Starbucks for a hot chocolate!

Just after Mary had left, I got a call from Mrs42 asking if she could pop round with the fleece I'd left at her house last week. So I went home and quickly tidied up before her and baby42 came round. Had a nice blether with her, then made pasta for Ethans tea. He has been a bottomless pit today as he demolished that in record time and then had some of my omlette too!

He was tucked up in bed for 7.30pm without a fuss. Yay! (Oh, last night, despite him being in bed early he slept well. Slept from 7pm - 3.30am, then had a 1/2 hour feed and then back to sleep till 7am)!

And more good news - my sister had her 20 week scan today and everything going well!

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