All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Oh what a night!

Poor Ethan. After not being himself yesterday and the biting incident, we had a dreadful night with him. He was awake crying at 11pm, 1am and 2am but managed to self settle. At 3.30am I had to get up to see to him as he sounded so distressed. Lots of cuddles and a dose of calpol later he went back down ... till 5am. Then up for the day at 6.15am. As for me, I didn't really get any sleep after being woken at 1am so really was fit for nothing and it was a l-o-n-g day at work today.

I did the weekly shop at Sainsbury's after work so hubbie picked Ethan up, gave him dinner etc. Ethan was watching at the living room window for me when I got home and gave me big grins when I pulled in the driveway. He came out to the car and insisted on having a play in the car. He loves getting in the front seat and turning on the radio, putting the lights on and off etc. While we were in there, Leia jumped up on the bonnet .... hmmm ... perhaps she's the culprit for many of the mysterious scratches which have appeared on various car bonnets over the years!

Ethan is currently fast asleep with his hands in his mouth. Hope we're not in for another night like last night and I also hope these darn teeth give the poor wee thing a break soon.

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