All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch


I think that Ethan is so excited by having people to stay with us that he decided not to sleep. Took 4 attempts to get him to sleep last night - he finally settled at 8.45pm. But then woke (yet again) at 5.15am. Unlike our friends wee boy Sebastian who slept through till 7am-ish. Now THAT'S more like it!

I walked down with Ethan to his swimming class this morning. He was clearly overtired by then though and didn't really want to try many of the things the instructor was asking him to do. He did enjoy the slide though! When we got home, Foreveryoung and Eden were at our house. However, as Ethan had fallen alseep in his pushchair on the way back, he only got to see them for 30 seconds before they left!

We took our friends Scott, Kirsti and Sebastian into Edinburgh in the afternoon. Rather than drive in with both cars and pay silly money for parking, we decided it would be a good day for Ethan to go on a proper train for the first time. He really enjoyed looking out the window and also pushing the button to open the internal doors, over and over! Mr Foreveryoung is a ticket inspector on that line and although he wasn't working on our train, we did see him as our train pulled alongside his at Edinburgh Park Station!

After some window shopping in Princes Street, we took a walk through the gardens so the boys could charge around and let off steam. We walked over one of the bridges over the railway and they were both transfixed by all the trains going by. We waved at them and all the train drivers apart from one waved back and / or tooted at us!

We had a quick trip round The Peoples Story before it closed and then went out for dinner. Last time we took Ethan to a restaurant we said "never again" but thought he might behave better with other people around. Errr .... no! So I think it really will be a while till we try to eat out with him again!

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