All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Bed bouncing!

I was on early wake up duty this morning. Fortunately Ethan decided to take a break from his 5 something o'clock wake-ups and slept till 6.30am. Yay!

We all had a lazy morning today, with none of us nor our guests, getting dressed till close to 10am. But hey, that's what being on holiday is all about isn't it!

Ethan & I headed over to the Foreveryoung household for lunch whilst hubbie and our guests drove to Hermiston Gait so they could buy a new pushchair to take home to Denmark.

We all then headed over to Beecraigs Country Park, where the kids had great fun in the new playpark. I got some great shots of Ethan there which I would normally have used as my blip. However, I really liked this one of Sebastian & Ethan bouncing around on my bed this morning. And as it's their last day together before Sebastian and his parents go home to Aarhus tomorrow, I really wanted to use one of the two of them together.

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