All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Cousins at work

Granny and Grandpa stayed over with us again last night. They were taking Ethan to gymnastics for us today (and Mr Foreveryoung taking Eden), while hubbie and I went back to the vets with Cleo.

The vet agrees that Cleo has improved slightly. Without doing more tests, x-rays etc it's impossible for him to know for sure what's wrong. But as she hasn't responded particularly well to the antibiotics and steroids he suspects it may be something nasty - cancer / heart disease or suchlike. She's enjoying life again though and is going outside, eating not too badly and meandering round the house. So we've agreed that we'll carry on until this is no longer the case. Whether that will be weeks, months or years who knows. But I'm just glad we didn't have to call it a day this week, as we had feared we might.

Hubbie and I went down to The Centre with Ethan this afternoon. I practically lived down there when I was on maternity leave but hardly ever have the time these days. As soon as we went into Debenhams, Ethan announced he was hungry and made a beeline for the cafe! So we stopped off to share a cake. He fell asleep in his buggy a wee while after that so hubbie and I were able to shop without him getting bored.

We then treated ourselves to dinner at Tony Macaroni as I really couldn't be bothered cooking this evening!

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