Lathyrus Odoratus

By lathyrus


Found a few new fungi this morning including a 'charcoal burner' which has a distinctive bluish cap and a 'humpback brittlegill' but I'm in danger of obsessing about fungi so I thought I'd better have an alternative blip for today hence the rising sun breaking through behind a young oak tree.

Deep in the woods we came across a large tent. Although camping on the reserve is illegal I decided not to disturb the occupant(s). They hadn't lit a fire or left any rubbish lying around. However, the spaniel had other ideas. He went completely bonkers, barking and growling. He was either upset by a smell that I couldn't detect or just by the fact that a large new object had appeared in the woods. Eventualy I had to put him on a lead. I'll go back later with the ranger and see if they've moved on.

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