Lathyrus Odoratus

By lathyrus

False Death Cap

First, thanks to everyone for the comments, *s etc on yesterday's fungi. I rather liked the 'jellyfish' description. I'm not sure how long this fungi phase will last. I looked up the last fungi survey on the commons which took place five years ago and came up with close to 160 species. I've manged about 30 in two weeks but have really reached the limit of any knowledge I've got. I must go to the library and borow a field guide.

I spotted today's offering a few days ago and went back to photograph it today. I'm pretty sure its not the legendary and lethal 'Destroying Angel' (the Death Cap). Rather I think its the very similar 'False Death Cap'. I'm basing that on the fact that it has a very pale sickly yellow tinge to the cap and smells like a raw potato. I may be wrong - the last survey found both types present. Apparently you need to eat quite large numbers of the False Death Cap to be poisoned, unlike the 'Death Cap' where just one will polish you off. It certainly wasn't me that took a bite out of the cap on this one but I like the way teh little bit of light passes through and onto the stem (or stipe I think is the proper term).

Today's other bit of news is that one of my sweet pea images (blipped on 9th July) won the 'Best cultural interest' class, and another was runner-up in the 'Most attractive arrangement' class, of the national sweet pea photography competition. I'm quite chuffed about that since there were 130 entrants. And, the other class I entered has still to be judged.

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