
By marshland



Well it's my final Blip before I hand the reins back to Isabelle.

When leaving school yesterday after dropping Libby off, I had a little smile to myself when I saw this sign on the fence close to the entrance. I immediately realised that I had seen my final Blip. I must be honest though, I had previously told Marshland-Mum that she had to do the Blip so that she had had a go whilst Isabelle was away; the truth though was that I had run out of ideas and wanted to go out on a high. Anyway, having seen this, I decided that I'd have one last go!

Again Libby is the perfect model and isn't really moody like it shows in the shot, it's the expression that she thought went best with the sign. After taking the shot, I quickly took Libby into school as I didn't want to risk anyone taking up the offer really. Although, I'm sure anyone taking her would return her soon enough!

I had to get the final parts for Isabelle's room today and again this was a well planned operation:
8.45am - Libby to school and Blip photo
9.00am - buy a new radiator for Isabelle's room
9.30am - bank some more money as I expected it to be costly today (and it was)
10.30am - to Hull, or 'ull' as the locals like to call it, to go to larger shops where I knew I could get everything I needed in one go.
At this point you will have noticed again in my well planned opperation there has been no breakfast this was stratigic not accidental.
12.30pm - return to Bridlington to dress the room.
15.15pm - collect Libby, from under the sign, and take her to dancing.
16.00pm - return home to finish room.
18.00 - collect Beth and Libby then return home for tea and relax.

Well everything went well until 10.30am. As I worked in the city for 4 years I can negotiate it without hitting any major, busy roads. This does mean using some roads that a UN armed convoy wouldn't drive down but it does take me past every fast food joint in the city. Lunch was sorted!!

Next Home was my first stop for curtains and a curtain pole. Obviously I must have had my vacant look on my face again because the shop assistant felt she had to help. I had selected the curtains I wanted and was looking for the right size. When the women found out I was choosing the colours on my own without my wife present, she re-assured me that my wife was very brave and that I could return them if they were wrong. I'll have you know when it comes to shopping I am a professional. I once went out and bought Beth a complete outfit with shoes and accessories for a wedding and had breakfast in Mcdonalds within half an hour!

Anyway, back to shopping. Within 15 minutes I had got my curtains and pole and was off to the next store for bedding. On arrival at the store I found what I needed straight away but they didn't have a double duvet cover in the style I wanted. Arms full of fitted bed sheets, 4 pillow cases and a Duck feather down duvet, I set off to the cash point to get the final cover. Obviously the two female staff behind the counter had to discuss the fact that paying for her holiday in one go saves her money so she'd borrowed it from her parents, before they could serve me so luckily the man sat at his computer walked across the store to help. He checked the system and then left to check the store room...which left me time to discover that you could get a package holiday to Spain for as little as £280 each, full board. He returned saying that the records showed that there were 2 in stock but he couldn't find them. He asked the girls if they knew where the would be but they just looked at each other and said 'no'. He then asked if I wanted to pay for all the items on the counter which is when I said, "No it's alright I'll go somewhere that will find me the complete order," and left after telling the girl to enjoy her holiday.

Now I had a problem: I knew the items I needed were 50 miles away. Back to our home town and then another 18 miles north. 3 hours left I had to give it a go so off I went. Plan well out of the window now. After arriving at the second store I managed to get everyting I needed and after parting with enough money to re-start the British economy I set off to collect Libby.

With 10 minutes to spare I bought the local rag and sat and read about the same old names in court for the same thing, only to be told by the judge that their record was an embarrasement to them and the worst he had seen. But none the less giving him another chance to get on the right track and letting him go free as this will obviously ensure he doesn't end up back in court again!

Libby deposited at dancing and home. Curtain rail fitted, curtains ironed and hung, duvet in duvet cover. Radiator out of its packaging and then collect Beth and Libby. Return home it's dark and there's no lights in the room until tomorrow when the electrician is coming. So, room not entirely ready for Isabelle tomorrow :( Hopefully I will be able to finish early and save the day!!!

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