A Glimpse of Light

I made a special effort today to get something non flower related for my blip. At Lunchtime I popped along to Tesco via a nice wee spot where you can catch both the bridges. I should have just had a leisurely lunch instead of trying to get ahead of the game!

So tonight I forced myself out on a wander under heavy skies and a brisk wind. When I got to the top of the hill it was quite sheltered so I sat down on the benches for a wee think. Its good to get out in the fresh air after three VEEEERRRY long days in the office and clear the mind.

As I was sitting there I noticed a break in the clouds which threw light and shadows on to some of the fields. Sadly, being the numpster that I am, I had the colour on vivid (probably from some flower or other) so......this was the only way to deal with it! I think if you look at in large you may see the shadows (unless they were a figment of my troubled imagination!)

Time for a wee slouch in front of the TV I think with a wee glass of wine. Apparently its now a good thing for women of a <cough cough> certain age in their prime to have a couple of glasses a night. I was ahead of the trend on that one :)

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