Naked Lunch

this picture cracks me up every time I look at it.

I know there is a book and a film called "Naked Lunch" and I know more or less what happens in it, I also know it's one of those books one reads as a teenager and people disapprove of. Funnily enough, I've never read it or seen the film. And I say funnily enough because I thought I'd read all those books as a teenager and, as a massive fan of David Cronenberg, I really don't see how I could've missed this. I will make amends as soon as possible.

We've got so much on at the moment (apple harvest officially opened today) that I'm not returning comments as much as I want to. So, I'd like to beam out a general "yes, you are so right, thank you, you are lovely" to you and you and you. I haven't forgotten :-)

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