this is the end....

of an era. Celebrated with some suitable for Tuesday food.
Even though I've spent the day being totally convinced that it was Wednesday, panicking that I'm not going to fit everything in in one day (that's because it's plans for TWO days, idiot), reminding myself that it's Tuesday, not Wednesday...forgetting, panicking, reminding, forgetting, panicking.....arghhhh!

Anyway, the era? Yes, 11 years of our family pouring hard earned money into the coffers of the Open University have come to an end. I finished my BSc with them, did a couple of Diplomas (one postgrad), did my MA with them too. Mr. S caught the bug too and is the proud owner of a postgrad certificate and....drum has sent off his final piece for his MEd. And so, for this generation, the journey is over.

Even though I am totally relieved to be finished with it all I would like to say a few words in favour of the Open University. If you've never heard of it before, The Open University was the world's first successful distance teaching university, founded on the belief that communications technology could bring high quality degree-level learning to people who had not had the opportunity to attend traditional campus universities. read on....
The Open University was founded on principles that I whole-heartedly support: education should be open for everyone, whatever their economic background, sex, gender, ethnicity, disabilities....everyone should have a chance to learn in a supportive way. Because learning is not only useful, it's also fun. Learning about the world around us, taking an interest, asking questions, thinking about answers, these are the things that make us human. And being human should be open to all.
The Open University has been supported and subsidised by successive governments since it was founded. However, the current UK government is withdrawing this support and turning the Open University into "the University that is Open if you have lots of money" which goes against...everything it's meant to be. If you are as disgusted by this as I am and live in the UK, please sign the petition here. Thank you on behalf of all the people who want to have the chance to learn more about their world.

The food provided tonight was Mr. S's favourite: coleslaw with cheese pie (like quiche but with an amount of cheese that only a Swiss person would dare to eat) and apple tart to follow. The meal was accompanied by a musical experience of the youngest playing her recorder for us. Very well. For the fact that she's only learnt two notes so far....toot toot toot too tooot

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