
Mrs P pulled up this years first crop of potatoes and served them up with a lovely dinner this evening. Minutes from fork to fork, can't get any fresher than that...ok you could if I didn't blip them first ;)

Need to investigate if there are potatoes I can plant in the polytunnel now which will be ready for Christmas to go with the sprouts. These potatoes came from our boxes outside and its too cold to grow anything else in the boxes between now and spring as far as I'm aware.

Was out at the Gyle again today and back to back meetings meant no time for blipping so I was glad of having something at home to blip.

Traveling down south on business tomorrow and decided to take the train as 1st is simply more relaxed than having to get an easycrate flight to Luton. Also means I can take laptop & camera with me rather than trying to cram everything into a small case with an even smaller weight limit. Might even take some liquid refreshment with me to make working on the train even more fun!


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