Grey Day

It really felt like Autumn has arrived with a vengeance today, it was very windy, cold and gray, so just the right weather for a stroll along the beach!

As it was a bank holiday today I didn't have work to go to, and with Mrs P being off as well it was a day of shopping, lovely lunch out, more shopping, walk along the beach and home via the fruit farm. We made two types of jam last night (Blackcurrant & Strawberry) so picked up another 5.5kg of Raspberries to make jam again later this week which should see us through the winter.

Need to start reading up on what winter crops can be planted in the polytunnel, and then weed and clear out whats in there as its now getting really cold at night and I dont think it will be long before the frost arrives again. Someone said to me yesterday that it feels like October already, which I have to agree with, as I had to put on my fleece jacket today.


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