
Some other kids on the campsite had got this rocket game thing, where you jump on the purple bottle bit and the air pressure fires a rocket into the air. Ben and Ede watched for a while, and were invited to join in, and Ben got the hang of it with great gusto. I watched and snapped and waited for one of the rockets to hit a person on its way down. It didn't disappoint :)

It's been a good day today. A really really lazy morning which was just what Steve and I needed, and because it was so relaxed it didn't even matter that we were awake and up by 7.30am. We had no agenda, nothing to rush for, and could just ease nicely and gently into the day. Breakfast and getting dressed took pretty much all morning.

We packed a picnic lunch and headed off to a beach for lunch, but as the rain came down we ended up parking at the beach where we could watch the sea, eating our lunch in the car. Then, as it was far too cold to even run about on the prom, we went to the swimming baths instead and let the boys have a play!

By the time we got home again the rain had stopped and the sun was out again, and we had the rest of the barbecue food before packing two tired boys off to bed so we could play withfire again.

None of us really wanted to go to bed. Halil's comment was that although he was looking forward to a bacon sandwich in the morning, he didn't want to go to bed because that would mean that packing the tents up was that much closer.

I could do this for much longer than a day and a half. Wish it hadn't taken so long to get home on Friday!

We've had a really good day potty-training-wise as well. Ben discovered his big-boy pants in the clothes bag and asked to wear some. The first pair got wet almost immediately as he did as he does usually and went to the potty to do a wee, but didn't take his pants down. He wet them, but realised very quickly that pants wouldn't hold the wee in - the second pair stayed dry all morning, and it was funny watching him pull them back up again after going for a wee - proper Borat territory!! I am so proud of him.

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