Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Hummingbird Braving Hurricane Irene

The winds and rain kicked in late last night and we awoke to nature's full fury this morning. Fortunately, we have not lost any trees, our house is dry, and we have electricity. I was pretty surprised to see the hummingbirds flitting about in the yard this morning. Amazing that they can fly in these winds! It is pouring sheets of rain outside, so I took this from inside, through the rain spattered window and screen. So, not the best resolution or clarity, but I think it captures the spirit of my little winged friends. Even in a hurricane, Mr. P-Hummie is guarding "his" feeder, and making sure he looks his finest for the lady-birds...

Hope all of my fellow-blippers out there are surviving the fury of Hurricane Irene.

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