Ladies Who Coffee

And yea, it came to pass that this very day, his Lordship added another candle to his birthday cake, and were it not for the fact that the ensuing conflagration would have had the fire brigade on call out, I would have let you share in the festival of light.
The cake in question was a fairy cake, a cupcake bought in the Land of Flowers at half price, such is the esteem that his Lordship's birthday invokes in the household.
Nevertheless, he received a number of birthday cards from admirers, which delighted him, but no age cards as that would have been downright embarrassing.

We celebrated with a morning coffee and he broke his self imposed no elevenses cake regime and managed to down a humungous delight of cornflakes raisins and chocolate, while I averted my gaze.

In case I felt the urge to cake blip something colourful when we got home, he readily bought the cup cake, sturdy enough to hold the candles, and a strawberry tart. The latter has gone the same way as the cornflake delight, and so remains only the cupcake which languishes under its forest of candles.

I magine that will be demolished during the afternoon.

To further celebrate, we are dining out in opulence at the Hotel du Vin this evening.
After all, you can never have too much of a good thing, and birthdays become rare treats at his age.

However it could be that after his reading this blog, he might be dining on his own while I feast on a boiled egg at home. We shall see.

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