A Trip to Philadelphia

Should anyone want to know what deep fried Mars Bar tastes like, let me tell you it is very acceptable as an accompaniment to an after dinner coffee.
It came in three pieces looking like used tea bags on cocktail sticks, but it was rather delicious. A rare never to be repeated treat in the Hotel du Vin, just to end the celebratory meal for his Lordship's birthday.

Today we trained through to Philadelphia Glasgow to have another celebratory birthday meal; this time for Glasgow daughter at Gandolphi Fish in Albion Street.
On the way to the restaurant, we had a look at the transformation of George Square into the centre of Philadelphia for the 'World WarZ' film that is being made there.

His Lordship was amused to hear a local with an accent that is pure Glaswegian say to his companion-"Where the f***'s the main man then?" referring to Brad Pitt.
I suppose you have to have heard it said in the local patois to find it as funny as did his Lordship.

With a superb meal and a few glasses of wine tucked away, we dozed our way back to the mayhem that is Edinburgh City centre at the moment.

On the subject of Edinburgh, I have come to the conclusion that our town council are a complete bunch of numpties.

What on earth are they thinking about when they vote to end the tram link from the airport at Haymarket?
Just who do they think is going to find it convenient to be decanted there when they can get an airport bus right into the city centre.

It's frankly ludicrous, especially when Princes Street is to be a building site again, so that the wrong tarmac beside the tram rails is replaced with the correct stuff, even though no trams will run there for many years, if ever.

You couldn't make it up!

Now I have an evening of Blip fun ahead of me and I'm looking forward to meeting blippers from far and wide in the department of Informatics just along the road.

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