
By Runningbackwards

Bristol Dinosaur

Today has seen us entertaining our great (i.e. well behaved and polite) nephew, Harry. We all took a trip down to Bristol harbourside but kept the destination secret in case Son #1 complained, 'Not there again!'

If I was a visitor to Bristol I think I would be pretty impressed by the harbourside - it's interesting , there's a good mix of the old and the new (although some of the new is pretty ghastly), there's lots of interesting people about and there's always something happening.

A walk, a trip up to the great view on top of the MShed and then to @Bristol and a sit down by the fountains watching children getting soaking wet running through the spray.

Back for some lunch and then I made the mistake of asking all present to make a blipchoice. I had these in mind but they all plumped for this picture of the Bristol Dinosaur by Andy Council, a great Bristol based artist. The model is a dinosaur and also parts of Bristol - houses, roads, trees - it's very clever.

Martin Parr has an exhibition here starting next week and there's a chance to hear him in October. A date for the diary?

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