
By Runningbackwards

Back to work (sort of)

I went in to school today to pick up a big bundle of marking (not before time you might say..).

A funny feeling, as it always is, but I need to remember that I'm not back officially yet and enjoy the remaining time off and use it productively instead of faffing and wallowing in self pity.

The walk home was enlivened by a trip to the Vietnamese supermarket. Some glutinous rice has been purchased and Thai pineapple and glutinous rice pudding is on the menu for tonight.

This shot is of the Common - there's just that hint of decay, end of summer feel but it's a lovely, green space.

Just down the road from the great people at the Vietnamese supermarket.

Family out doing family stuff and I'm supposed to be tidying up and working. I'd better do some tidying up and working if only to deal better with the guilt!

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