Don't worry Dad!

Don't worry Dad, if he gets unruly I will stab him in the head with my sword..

Hang on! I already have...

Sons #1 and #2 were fantastically looked after this weekend by Mum and Dad (aka Untrained Eye). On a visit to Chepstow Castle somehow swords were purchased and have been in use ever since.

Ground rules about not stabbing each other, bits of furniture, garden plants and other items have been proposed and passed in to general House Rules and instantly ignored, openly flaunted and generally abused.

Son #2 has his camera and walkie-talkie (war reportage) whilst Son #1 has his kite strapped to his back (purpose unknown).

This morning has been a, 'tidying up camping stuff after the holiday' kind of morning interrupted only by the requirement to insert my whole arm into the drain to remove some particularly fruity smelling pieces of solid fat (I felt like Christopher Timothy in All Creatures Great and Small approaching a pregnant cow).

Lunchtime now. Thai spectacular or a sandwich? Let's ease into it gently..

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