You Say I love You Boy...

Funny Ole Week.

Last year, a virtual friend told me when Boy left, I would suffer "empty nest". Happily, or perversely sadly, I didn't. It wasn't that I was sad he was gone, I was just happy he was doing what he wanted to do.

This year, when he left, there were no tears, just me ranting at him as he left. There are so many things you need to tell them, and even if it annoys them at the time, I know that in ten years, he'll think back to this departure this year, and smile and say, "yup, she knew what she was talking about". (It was actually your Dad Son, I'm his voice).

(And right now, he's sitting going, "what the hell is she ranting about".)

But to get back to it.

Tooli left on Monday night, and we didn't hear from her until last night. And she is fine, enjoying Gorge walking abseiling and sitting up late talking and yes, she nearly is through all her clothes.

The two of us have wandered about like lost souls.

We are pathetic.

What happened to Si and Hel?

When did we turn in to Boy and Tooli's parents? PTA Helpers. Volleyball drivers?

We need to get back to Si and Hel and the way we were. Tomorrow, We are having a trip. Just the two of us.

I hope that my Blip, be it from the phone, or back-blipped depending upon what we get up to, reflects us the way we should be!

And another thing! I found a cousin tonight on facebook! I thought it was me, twenty years ago, how confused was I that someone else had my photo for their profile pic?

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