michigan man

By outdoorguy

A New Moth

After countless hours of searching the internet (OK...it was 15 minutes), I think I have determined that this is a Hummingbird Clearwing. What a marvelous creature. I saw one in my back wooded area last week, but was unable to snap it. This was taken in downtown Holly...while I was waiting for my doctor to make his rounds.

I went back to this spot looking for more damselflies. I would have settled for a damsel in distress, or one that was just hanging out on a leaf. I did see a big ant in distress. He was caught in a spider web. Part of me wanted to walk down a few rocks to free him, but my spained ankle "talked" to me, and said it wouldn't be very smart. I listened to the joint.

Along with the new moth, I also got 100+ pictures of a Common Buckeye, a butterfly that isn't very common to me. He/she was very pretty also...but couldn't top the moth.

It is now 3:20 p.m., and I have to pick the doc up, and return him to his home. 35 miles down, 35 miles back.

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