Mr Mysterious H

By MrMayhem

Grave mistake?

Okay so those of you who are fans of my bro lovesnothing might reckonise this image from January. Unless you're like me and can't even remember what the fuck happened last week.

Last week yeah actually i remember i went to the woods and forgot my memory card. Ended up getting a pretty shit shot of a cricket on my nokia. So i leaned my lesson i put a spare memory card in my camera bag. Good job as well because 2 days ago i went to the woods again and guess what? Yep left my memory card in my card reader again. Lucky i packed a spare.

I saw a couple of really nice shot throught trees, so whipped out my camera and started shooting, one shot two shot three shots....card full. WTF turns out the spare card came out of an old and i mean fucking old mp3 player and it was only 16mb. Shit.

So yesterday i went to see my dad. Right i thought make sure everything is right today. 4gb memory card emptied and packed. Best check the battery as well just in case. Damn battery low. No worries though the camera came with a spare. Stick one on charge for when i get home, take fully charged one out the charger and put it in the camera, i want no problems today there is loads i Wragby i want to shoot. I get to Wragby take a few shots, go for a walk, take few shot's. Mel flys a kite take a f....battery low. WTF what the fuck!!!!

Turns out there was a good reason the camera came with a spare battery..because the old one was fucked!!!

Luckily i managed to recreate this image of a pretty old glave stone before my camera died. Obviously i wanted to do it B&W but it's already been done so i had to put a new spin on it. Hope you like it more than Gary's..

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