Mr Mysterious H

By MrMayhem

This is the one and only...

Only took one picture today (Saturday). Not because i forgot i just couldn't be arsed today. For reasons i can't really be arsed to go into.

Anyway i just took this one because i want to massively over edit it and make it look like a painted pop art type image. Thats gonna take forever so you just get this. I'll add a link to the finished image in about four years once it's done. And the bottle of port just in shot is only there for editing purpose i'm not a secrect drinker.

Okay so here's what i've gotta say today. I hate fucking lazy work shy benefit cheating crettin scumbags. There is this bloke who lives up our street, for now we'll name him "the tool". He has obviously been working nights while he is on benefits for being "disabled". Now as much as this fucks me off because i work really hard, just to pay for his 8 kids to have the best of everything, i just let them get on with it and have the occational moan to Mel about it.

Two days ago the tool stoped me to tell me, there is a supergrass in the street...thats right not an informant, or a grass but a supergrass. Someone has grassed him up for working while on the dole. He went into a ten minute rant about why it was wrong and unfair.

Not sure he was overly keen on my reply of, "shit what is the world coming to when you can't be a good honest hard working benefit cheat!!" and walked off. Now he thinks we've grassed him up!!

Me a supergrass ha ha. Fuck me the amount of shit i see the lazy bastards get up to down here i'd a millionaire by now if i grassed them all up.

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