Mr Mysterious H

By MrMayhem

Just Mel

This is my beautiful wife Mel again tips time in all her colourful glory!

Before i start i'm gonna add a link. Just so everyone is clear this link is nothing what so ever to do with my rant which is to follow. This is just a random link to a well known local photographer. Again this is nothing to do with my long as we are clear on that. Nothing what so ever. Link removed.

Today has been a pretty shit day. Our phone bill was massive, someone hit our car in Tesco's, also we found out our Gas and electric are both going up 11% and 18% respectively. However none of this has pissed me off (well actually all of it has but none of the other things make a good story)as much as a certain tool. I'm not going to name him because that wouldn't be fair. Just to be clear it is nothing to do with the above link.

Just recently i've started taking photgraphy a bit more serious. I'm on here, i've got Picasa and GIMP i even bought a new Camera. Over the last month i have really enjoyed taking photo's. So i figured i might take a course. So i looked up a local photographer (did i mention it is not i repeat it is not the one in the link that is just an uncanny coincidence) who did night classes.

So i gave him a ring and had a chat with him. He told me that i could get on a course and asked me what camera i had. I told him a Panasonic lumix DMC fx30. He said he'd get back to me and we left it at that.

Two minutes later i get an email from him telling me my camera wasn't good enough for his course and he could put me on to a night class for beginners with compacts!! Oh i'm fucking sorry Mr La dee fucking dar. With your fucking posh classes. I didn't really want you to teach me anyway because your probably a self rightious prick who thinks 30 years experience makes you fucking god.

I fully expect all his pupils are 50 something (nothing wrong with that) blokes who go to the lakes at the weekend with their golf buddies and their pointlessly expensive Cameras and spend 2 days photographing children in their boats. Fucking wankers.

So i looked up my Camera and apparently it isn't a compact, it 's a bridge which is what the minimum requierment for his course was. So the tool doesn't even know what he is talking about....lucky escape really it might have been like Schumacher teaching me to race a motorbike.

So now i'm back to square one of not really knowing what the fuck i am doing and just winging it on a daily basis. Guess i need to look for a new course or buy a new camera (which won't be happening).

Can i just say that the link at the top has nothing to do with this story. It is just a random link in case anyone in the Boston area who has a DSLR wants night classes. I only have a compact bridge so these course are no good either.

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