
By andyclicks

Fruity Salsa

The good thing about days where I do nothing is that I tend to have less to write about, but that doesn't always work.

Today however I literally don't know what I did. I got up late, then planned on going busking but didn't. Then before I knew it it was 4pm and I was watching the good life. I do love that program, and was probably the highlight of my day. I swear I was born in the wrong century. Since then i've been in a really nice soft mood.

Just had a mini movie night, watched harry potter as it was on television. I have them all on dvd, but it was just easier as it was already on aha.

Anyways this is just a snap I shot of my lunch (if you can call it lunch at 3pm) It was fresh plums and grapes, with a sprinkling of brown sugar and some spices. Lovely jubbly.

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