
By andyclicks


Another empty day today, didn't do much again.

I did finish off the painting of the fireplace though one more coat and it was fine. Then I did paint the firebreast again too. Gee this is interesting.

One funny thing that happened today though was that, well I was boredom eating today. And anyways we didn't have a lot of food, but I found a frozen sausage roll in the freezer. So I popped it in the oven for a bit, then it was taking too long, So I gave up and popped it in the microwave. Checked again two minutes later, opened the door and smoke filled the kitchen it was basically on fire haha. So I took it out opened the door etc, and one end was like charcoal and the other end still cold!

Anyways after that fiasco I gave up with eating much and just waited for dinner haha. After that though did a bit of piano practice, then I took it all apart. I love taking things apart and putting them back together, it's great fun to see how it all works and stuff.

Also i'm thinking of names for my new piano now, sounds silly but I like it. I've started talking to it anyways haha, but I was thinking of something quite rich and warm. Like richard, or charles. Or on the other hand something like janet, something older. I'm strange.

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