
By andyclicks


I'd like to introduce you all to little wolfgang.

He's my new fishie. I went to the shop to buy some new fish food, then some holiday food for them and a new filter. But also came away with Wolfgang. Not sure why I bought him, but he's black and i don't currently have a black fish so I thought he'd fit in nicely. It's odd how small he is compared to the others, when there were all his size initially. But he'll fit in and i'm sure he'll grow just as big.

I didn't do much other than that today, although around half an hour ago it started to rain quite heavily. And I get quite excited in the rain, and especially tonight for some reason. And so I went out into the middle of Chichester barefooted, to puddle jump and muck around in the rain. From the few people that were actually around at this time I did get a few funny looks. Who wouldn't. But I definately enjoyed myself and that's all that counts. Just hope I don't get pneumonia ;)

As for his name, my sister wasn't too approving. "thats not a real name really though is it" "yes bridget, it's mozart's first name" "Mozart, thats not a real name either, you should call it Ben"... Anyways after a bit of discussion we concluded that in fact it wasn't going to be called ben but Wolfgang.

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