Just Clean water

A billion people don't have it.
Women and girls walk millions of miles each day to get it.
When you see it for the first time it's like magic as you can see in the pic.
We went to put in this pump in the morning, just one family remained, everyone else had gone to a wedding. We got the royal greeting. A very exciting experience, but now what excites me is when I see a pump of ours doing it's job after six years, regularly,that's magic!
Not really, it's just a very simple, technically brilliant (thanks Richard) piece of machinery, which rarely gives any problem and if it does, the women in the village can fix it. Besides all it's other attributes, EASILY REPAIRABLE is the real winner for remote, rural women, whose men rarely if ever go to a well!!
Clean water is the first step on the development ladder and here in Northern Malawi, it costs us less then one pound to give a person clean water for life.

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