Furnace Lass

By furnacelass

Fyne Viewpoint

What a wonderful day today, hope everyone had as good a day as we had here in Argyll.

A really lazy day spent in the summer sunshine, pottered about for a while in the garden and generally enjoyed being busy doing nothing.

Headed up the farm road later in the afternoon to one of my favourite viewpoints on the Leaccain walk. You can see all the way down the loch to Knapdale if you look Sooth West and if you look East you can see some of our village and across the water to the hills of the Cowal Peninsula . I quite liked the sunlit patchwork of fields across the water and the light on the Fairy Knoll at the top of the hills.

This is the first shot I got as , after I changed my lens I got one shot from the main viewpoint above the forest. Then the camera refused to work , same as last week.Really annoying having made that steep climb and not get the kind of shot I was after.

So it will definitely need to be looked at even if it recovers as it did last week .Can't take it to Glasgow before Friday. I've arranged to get my old and trusty 400 D back tomorrow night , so a whole day tomorrow with no camera! Will be suffering major withdrawal symptoms by the time I pick it up. definitely a very late blip tomorrow night.

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