Re-Vision: A Photo Journal

By shellkaysm

One Month!

An Easter Tiger Swallowtail (had to ID online as I'm not very knowledgeable with butterflies). The orange spots remind me of candy corn.

I saw this guy this moring, but wasn't thrilled with the background he landed on. When I got home later this afternoon, I spied him again on the Butterfly Bush, with a friend who hung out for only a minute. I know it was the same one because he was missing one of his "tails" (not visible in this shot). Working on the macro with my point and shoot, I was torn again between two images. The other was a profile against the extremely blue sky of today. This was a closer view. Wish I could enter both, but the decision making process-as painstaking as it is some days- does help me analyze qualities of my photos.

This marks my first month blip anniversary. I managed to enter a photo every day and hope to continue if I'm so fortunate. Enjoying this forum so much!

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