All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Children at work

My friend Virginia's daughter, Hannah, is up in Scotland at the moment staying with her Dad. He very kindly drove her through to our house today so Ethan and I could see her, as we don't get the opportunity to see her anywhere near as much as we'd like to since she lives in West Sussex. The last time we saw her was last December but Ethan still remembers her and was very excited when I told him she'd be coming over today.

She's very good with him and played lots with him. She even painted his face ... twice! The first time was as a dog but he looked in the mirror, decided he didn't like it, so it got taken off and second time round he was a tiger, which pleased him no end!

Big antics from him at bedtime tonight though. After him having a lie-in till 8.30am this morning (which is unheard of, although may have been cos he didn't have a daytime nap yesterday and was then up during the night too) , we've had big antics at bedtime tonight. It's now 9.30pm and he has only just gone to sleep.

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