Plus ça change...

By SooB

Stick in the rain

Those grey diagonal lines? That's rain that is. In true British style, and ignoring all the funny looks from French folk, we went for a Sunday afternoon walk in the rain. Obviously it wasn't raining when we set off, so I didn't bother with a camera bag and therefore spent most of the walk with the camera up my top to keep dry. Too windy for any shots of flowers and bugs, and too grey for landscapes, so here's a stick in a lake. In the rain. Don't say I'm not good to you.

The rest of the day was a blur of changing drill bits, making furniture for another bathroom, and driving the kids to and from French lessons. There does, at least, seem to be some progress on all fronts (I am now officially less incompetent at changing drill bits and usually manage to tighten it enough, the furniture is done and twice-oiled, the kids have definitely both improved.)

There was time at the end of the day for a long chat with our neighbour who is off to Scotland for a few weeks, mainly to do some walking. He's a really lovely chap and speaks just enough English that Mr B's frequent and my occasional lapses into English don't hold up the flow of conversation. I'm not sure our stream of consciousness outpourings on bits of Scotland we like (which mostly seemed to revolve around castles and pubs) will have made much of a difference to his travel plans, but we were at least able to warn him about Edinburgh in the festival (ie don't plan on getting a last minute hotel booking) and the midgies. And I was able to introduce him to the delights (?) of gingerbread. He is very keen on meeting Scottish folk - so I'm hoping that sending him to a few hikers pubs on the West Highland Way will do the trick. If not I might send him along to a blipmeet.

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