One A Day 2011

By oneaday2011

Film Night

Went to Gary's after work for film night with the lads. Film night consisted of Domino's pizza, beer and one film called 'Machete'.

Where to begin with Machete. A gentle rom-com with a subtle double plot it is not. Machete is an in-yer-face blood thirsty movie consisting of lots of human bits being hacked off and gratuitous scenes of nudity. Bloody marvellous :-) It is a bold, uncooth, flamboyant, self deprecating, tongue-in-cheek look at the issue of illegal immigrants in the USA. It's a comical wandering through a serious issue complete with some awful acting, the beautiful but mis-cast Jessica Alba and a style that nods several times towards the film From Dusk Till Dawn.

You can watch the trailer here:

Today's photo is nothing to do with the film but it is of our host playing a little guitar. There's a link there somewhere.......

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