a town called E.

By Eej

... havin' a heatwave ...

It's beyond hot at this point. Cycling home felt like cycling in a sauna. Without exaggeration. It melted the few braincells I had left after working in similar sauna conditions.

When I got home the guys who have been taking down a damaged tree next door asked if they could use our waterhose. They've already messed up our lawn so my feelings towards them are not exactly sympathetic. And what in the world would they need our hose for? I hesitated a little before I said: "Yeah, I guess?" And he said: "It's just to hose us down a bit."
*pang of guilt*
I felt horrible and hastily said: "Oh, ofcourse!" before going into our airconditioned house to lay about in the coldest spots with very little clothes on.

And because one pang of guilt is enough for the day, I didn't say anything when a whole legion of yellow jackets came to use our birdbath. Intrusive and aggressive as they are (and they freak me out more than other insects do) I couldn't really deny them permission can I? This heat is dangerous for everyone.
So, I sat and watched as some of them drank, like this one, and some of them swam around a bit.
I counted at least three different kinds of wasps which I found so interesting I forgot how scared I am of them. The bravery is mine!

I also saw mrs. Squire who I now suspect is NOT nursing, but pregnant. She looks decidedly chunkier than last time I saw her.

Thanks so much for the lovely comments I received yesterday. It's typical that I didn't expect any, and typical that my go-to responses either were: "oh, but that's because it's a flattering photo", or "aw, they are just too nice to say anything nasty about me." But I recognised what I was doing to myself, and tried not to. I guess I am still a work in progress :)

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