a town called E.

By Eej


Having missed out on the Blip-together fun this was one I was not going to let escape. So, despite the heat the Beloved, me, the instruction sheet and a crazy dog trying to jump into every frame set up what we thought would be an easy Blip.

Yeah. Not so much.

If you are direction-giving impaired like me, and suffer from the I-can't-tell-left-from-right syndrome, getting someone in ANY position with four limbs pointing in different angles is a more than a spot of bother.
We tried. We failed. We tried again. We failed again. We tried harder. We failed ... well, actually, we did okay the third time :)

It's not perfect, and it's not even a first try, but I will be directing the Beloved (and anyone else I can bribe into participating) into all 8 of these positions over the next days/weeks and it will be Grand.



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