In The Occupied Territory

By FinHall

Happy Birthday

We had Arya-June with us again last night, and when I got home after 4.00a.m. I found her ," Quite comfortable, thank you very much," Tucked up in my bed next to June. Thing is though, June never even noticed she was there. Anyway, safely removed her back to her own bed, until 0730, when she decided it was time to get her granddad up.

Janine and family came out to pick her up, and leave Deacon.A.K.A. Dude, who is staying over for a couple of nights.

Since it is his birthday tomorrow, he is 12, going on 17, and June's on Tuesday. We had a small BBQ, AND the rain stayed off. Even now at nearly 2000hrs, the sun is still shining.
This is Dude and June trying to blow out the candles. Needless to say it is the type of candles that never go out. Only they did, eventually.

Janine made the chocolate cake. It is called the Devil's Cake.
As it is a birthday cake, the rules from yesterday's blip are wavered.

As we still have the actual birthdays to celebrate, I may have to resort to similar birthday titles for each blip. But then again...

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