All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

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Ethan managed to sleep till 6am this morning. That's almost considered a lie-in these days!

I did both the nursery drop off and pick up today as hubbie got held up at work. It was nice to pick Ethan up for a change and to see him playing so happily (with a hula hoop) in the nursery garden. I was chatting to the nursery staff about Ethan's daytime naps and they were saying he's one of the easiest toddlers they have in there right now, to get off to sleep. Apparently he falls asleep as soon as they put him down for a nap! Just wish I could replicate that at home.

Hubbie and I tried a slightly different routine when I got Ethan home. As the only thing which has calmed his recent evening tantrums has been a bottle of milk, we gave him a cup of milk as soon as we got in. He clearly wanted the milk but wasn't sure about it in a cup. We put it in the bottle instead and that seemed to work. Ethan & I even sat at the garden table to eat our omlette and he did a good job of helping himself to a wee bit of that. He then ate a yoghurt and played back inside happily ... for a short time. And then the tantrums started again. On a BIG scale - screaming and thrashing ... we couldn't even pick him up. Tried to bath him but he refused to stay in and screamed and yelled some more. So another bottle of milk it was and off to bed he went with no more fuss. Ho hum!

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