All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

I like to ride / push my tricycle!

Today was one extreme to the other. Ethan was either a wee angel or a wee monster.

I walked out of swimming class with him because he was acting up so much. did go back a few minutes later though after lots of tears from him and a promise that he'd behave. I couldn't get him out the main pool afterwards though nor the flumes. He's normally too scared to go on them but he dragged me on them 8 times today!

I wanted to walk over to M&S afterwards but when I realised I'd left the pushchair at home debated whether it was a good idea. Decided to brave it and in the main, Ethan was really well behaved. He even helped me choose new clothes for him - he kept picking things off the rails and asking "this one mummy"?

By the time we got back home we only had a few minutes before Missus B and Lucinda arrived with their tricycle. We were taking the kids out on their bikes, along with another friend and her wee boy. We ended up walking much further than i'd anticipated and by the time we started to walk back home (via a toilet stop for Ethan at Missus B's house) Ethan was really tired and grumpy. He hadn't had a sleep all day and had just had enough as by now it was nearly 5pm. We got half way home when I admitted defeat (carrying a crying toddler and a trike not easy) and phoned hubbie to come and pick us up!

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