We've Found Love.... So Don't Fight It
I made it! 500 Not Out!
Seriously the Best Place in the Interwebnet. What a community!
I stumbled over you through Raechel's Twitter link. , and I was hooked.
I've laughed, I've cried, I've brought a few friends along, and made lots of new ones on the way.
I look forward to my daily chats, some of you are great friends. Others are just plain downright scary, (and you know who you are Withers!). John, you make me yearn for Edinburgh, and you have been a constant companion since I joined! And Tuula....aw. One day, we will wear crochet jumpsuits on the Champs Elysse!
So many others, I can't seem to go a day without checking in on you... Lily, Jumping Bean, Katie, I'm going to miss someone out and I don't want too!
Enough. I was looking for something great today, and guess what?? The Red Arrows, performed about 4 flypasses for me! Was my camera charged? No.
I came home poked and prodded my husband and said "what can be my 500?", we both turned together and saw Beanie - all snuggled up in the herb pot in the corner! It had to be. So 500th - Over to you Beanie.
"sheez ovv again. Moar, schnapp Schnapp. Ah'm gonna jus lay hur an pretend not 2 c her. Ah has avoidd hur 4 most ov teh lass 500, so ahll tri an keep it up 4 da next 500!
Thank You Blip World! My Day Isn't Complete without A visit!
And this one For Molly, who we all still miss!
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