At At Day, In Your Celebration...

From my Blipday Celebrations... )and thank you so, so much everyone for your kind comments, and views yesterday. I was so excited to reach 500, and delighted that you all shared with me!)

... to an even more important Birthday Celebration.

Nant, was 82 today!

Born in 1929, married to Nunk for 59 Years and 3 months. We lost Nunk last year, and I still thank Blip for being there to let me record my thoughts about the loss.

I smiled when I seen her when she came for dinner - she is wearing her Heart Ear-rings and necklace. When Nunk was very poorly 6 years before, when I visited him in the hospital, and Nant was away talking to nurses, Nunk took my hand and whispered to me that he wanted me to get something beautiful for her upcoming birthday. He thought it would be his last, and he wanted to give her something special.

It was lovely that he had another few birthdays with her, and in pretty damn good shape he was too until the end of 2009.

I called into see her this morning with a home made card, and a hand picked bunch of lavender. If I buy her things she shouts! And asked her to dinner!

Si made Lasagne, and we had a little cake with candles and we sung happy birthday.

Now she is away home to "get her feet done", before she goes on holiday! I just don't know. A chiropodist who does home visits???? I think she must be on extras!

Happy Birthday Nant

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