Looks Good To Me

By Pilipo

Hummingbird Frenzy

The hummingbirds were extremely active and aggressive today, fighting for possession of the feeders all day. I think there's a shortage of natural food because of the cold weather. It was very entertaining. At times there were three-way aerial fights going on. We have two feeders with a combined total of seven feeding stations but the birds won't share a feeder. I suppose some humans are like that.

I got a few decent photos besides this one and put them on Flickr.

Now that C and I share an office we don't need two computer printers, so we decided to try selling C's printer on Craigslist. Since it hadn't been used for a while, I thought I'd do some test prints, but when I connected it to my Mac I found that I needed to download and update the software for both printers, and they both needed ink. The sale will have to be postponed until the new ink cartridges arrive.

My to-do list keeps getting longer.

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