Alison in Cambodia

By alisoncambodia

The hairdresser

This lovely chap is the man who knows how to "cut foreigners hair" including mine in our local town. Going to the hairdresser here is great fun.You can just walk in and get your hair done there and then. If he already has a client you get a cup of water and some English language magazines (dated 2007 )to read. Then you get your hair washed. This is wonderful The chair isn't so much a chair as a bed. You lie full length and it's very relaxing. The first blast of water is always a bit of a shock because it's cold but in fact is actually very refreshing. You get a wonderful 20 minute head massage as well as a wash and condition.After that it's time for the cut. There are many stories about this man but he certainly does know how to cut foreigners hair. He has a big belt with at least 10 pairs of scissors in it and he uses most of the 10 pairs for every haircut. I have been told that he trained in Singapore and then worked in Phnom Penh. He arrived in our local town about a year ago and opened a small salon in the centre of town. Before long he moved to the outskirts of town and opened a bigger, better(though not so conveniently located) salon. As well as offering hair care he now has dress makers in the shop who make beautiful wedding outfits. There is a nice house attached to the shop and several family members appear to live there. He is very artistic in his approach to hairdressing and appears to be totally engrossed in the job. The end result is always great. He recently had to raise his prices and almost apologetically charged me 6 USD(£3 60) I have had many far worse haircuts in UK costing much ,much more than that.

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